This page is a catalog of the equipment available at The Maker Station. These pages provide information on equipment including status, operations, etc.
Please follow these instructions if you are --> adding new equipment.
Check out the changelogs for the shop and office!
[hide]*NC Fabrication
3D Printers
- 3D Printing Policy
- Ender 3 - "Orange Crush"
- Ender 3 - "Goldeneye"
- Ender 3 - "Mr.Bluesky
- Ender 3 - "Kermit"
- Ender 3 - "Red Riot"
- Ender 5 - "Yellow Weaver"
- Sovol SV-06 "Barney"
- Sovol SV-06 Plus -"Shrek"
- Biqu B1 - "Zaphod"
- Elegoo Mars 3 - *Down*
- CR-10 S5 - "Droid Forge"
- gmax2pro - *WIP*
- D300VS - Delta 3D Printer
- Creality LD-002H Resin Printer
- CNC Router "Alex CNC" (Wood/Plastic)
- Cabinet CNC "Toejam CNC" (Wood/Plastic/Composite/Soft Metals)
- Shapeoko 2 CNC (Wood/Plastic)
- OMIO_CNC_Router_x8 - Custom OMIO CNC Router x8 (Aluminum)
Laser Cutters
Computers & Other
- Laptop #1
- Multiple DELL E6430 Laptops
- Raspberry Pi
- 3D Printer Workstation
- CAD Workstation
Electronics Room
- Soldering Station
- Desolder Gun
- Weller Soldering Iron
- Bench Power Supply
- Rigol DS1054Z Oscilloscope
- Function Generator
- Microscope - Analog/Digital
- Hot air gun
- Reflow Oven
- Crimp tools
Power Tools
Wood Shop
- 18v Cordless Tools
- Air Compressor
- Central Compressed Air
- Central Dust Collection - *In progress*
- SawStop 3HP - SawStop
- Rigid 1 3/4HP - Rigid 1 3/4HP
- 12in Planer
- 25in Planer
- Delta 8in Jointer
- Sliding Compound Miter Saw
- Craftsman 12in Band Saw - "Mr.Bandi"
- Delta 12in Band Saw - "Sir Cutsalot"
- 20in Resaw Bandsaw
- Tabletop Drill Press
- Floor Drill Press
- 4in Belt/Disc Sander
- 6in Belt/Disc Sander
- Oscillating Spindle Sander
- Oscillating Belt Sander
- Router Table - Kreg
- Scroll Saw
- Mortiser
- Wood Lathe
- Wood Lathe2
Metal Shop
- Metal Lathe
- Metal Bandsaw - Horizontal
- Press Brake/ Shear/ Roller
- MIG Welder
- TIG Welder
- Plasma Cutter
- Bench Grinders
- Angle Grinders
- Sand Blaster
- 4" Belt Sander
- Floor Drill Press
- Anvil
- Forge
- 1Ton Arbor Press
Hand Tools
Crafting Tools
- Singer Heavy Duty Sewing Machine
- Singer Serger
- Jenome Sewing Machine
- Silhouette Portrait Paper/Vinyl Cutter
- Heat Press
- Popup Green/Blue Screen
- Liquid Nitrogen Dewars
- Folding Tables
Retired Equipment
PrintrBot Simple MetalLulzbot TAZ 6 3D PrinterMaker Select I3Giant 3D Hang PrinterFrankenBot 2.03D Printer - 3DS Cube no.13D Printer - 3DS Cube no.2LulzBot Mini 3D Printer
CNC_-_Root2CNCMaslow CNC