20191027 BOD Notes
BOD: Tanju B, Alex B
Members: Bret S, Chris K
Board of Directors status update
- General thanks to everyone engaged with all the activity like the coffee bot, installing the dust control, loaning of tablesaws, and other activities.
Financial Update
- Current Balance ~= 3649 (7756 balance - 4107 rent checks pending)
- I need help with the bookkeeping/accounting - took over the books from Chris K who was using google spreadsheets
- Need to ask the general memberbase if anyone can help
- Bret describing that in Texa there was a group called TALA (Texas Accountants and Lawyers for the Arts), need to check if similar here in GA. Bret to reach out to ask them if they have contacts in GA
Membership & Maintenance update
- We're back up to 62
By year end, we need to start talking about expanding and next steps, the current lease is 3 years and expires in Dec 2020. Ideally we could expand directly into the space next door, will need to explore options with Puff Cuff and Shaheen Co.
- Member Proposal from Bret Stephens for a "Sensors Project" to add more sensor to Station for things like door status, tool locations, etc.
- Just wants to be able to hardline connect to the Station's network. Alex has the network over sight and will work with Bret to get him going.
- Bret also wants to host a gear swap meetup - Tanju needs to grant him organizer credentials on meetup.
- Draft firearms policy review
- Tanju didn't get a draft done, but general review/recap of the discussion from Thursday's conference call
- Suggestion about implementing/requiring background checks for members spurred a lively discussion about the pros and cons. Creates challenges in defining the acceptance criteria. What about grand fathering in existing members? We should check with other makerspaces about their experience with background checks and specifically what caused them to pursue it (like for getting grants, or an incident, or from day one).
Upcoming Events:
- None planned, but discussion about having an anniversary party sometime in Nov or Dec. Alex will check with his family about getting the big grill back out here.