20160313 BOD Notes
Jay, Josh, Tanju, Bev-late
- Tanju brought in Pi shaped ginger bread cookies ahead of Pi Day.
Reviewed last month’s actions
- Chairs- striking from the wish list
- Welding blanket/safety update to wiki is done
IRS update pending feed back from Chris
- Insurance- Bev requesting quote, pending
New Items:
- Geocache, ok. As long as it is an outside one. Let Scott Stamper own the cache. On side note, Scott also took steps to setup webcam for the 3D printer, hit some bottlenecks. We should follow up.
- We should also put a brochure holder out front, for when people show up and door is locked
- General discussion about minutes vs notes. Notes will get put on the blog.
- Beverly resigning as Secretary due to personal schedule constraints. We need to announce and solicit members to find a replacement.
- Robotics kit, Luis’ hexapod… will be working with Luis to create an kit out of it to serve as the Station’s intro to robotics kit
- 501c3 status? Still on hold due to budget constraints. Do we make it priority, yes we should. We should reach out to local Cobb county rep to ask for help. TJ will reach out to Cobb county via email
- Before we file for 501c3, need to get the budget numbers up, increase revenue.
- We need monthly financial report, with details of the income categories, dues, 3d printing, donations
- Laser cutter power supply. In general, approved up to $150. 1st need to verify that the supply is truly dead, then replace it.
- Girl Scout Mini Maker Faire – May 7th. Beverly interested in showing off the makey-makey. Tanju will likely take the powerwheels and or Raspberry Pi game emulator.
- Maker Demo Kit- Jay proposing that we have a kit ready to go for events and conventions. Contains brochures, fact sheets, and demo items. To make it easier to participate in the events.
- ATL Science Fest – coming up March 21. Will have open house at the Station that day.
- Next board meeting: Sunday April 10