20180218 BOD Notes
BOD: Tanju B., Joshua M., Chris K
Members: none
Planning Agenda
- Financial update
- Membership update
- New Items & Updates
- Maslow CNC commissioning is making progress
- A member has request for Private Event on a Saturday night in April
- Tanju invited to a guest on a Cobb Arts & Culture podcast next Friday
- We need to register for the Maker Fest at Red Top Mtn
Membership Update:
- Membership Graph through Jan 31, 2018 public.tableau.com/profile/tanju#!/vizhome/TMS_Report/MemberVolDshbrd
- Jan/Feb Update:
- Jan
- Lost 1 member but Gained 2 new
- Feb (not shown in the graph)
- Lost 1 but Gained 5 new (3 Makers & 2 Students)
- Stragglers 4 paying old rate, didn't respond to email requests
- Laura has not joined yet but looking to join with her kids
- Couple others recently interested in 3D printing
- New member named April joined last week, but we haven't hear from her or know who she is yet
Currently as of January have approx 30 Makers & 15 Students. (2/19/29) Correction: Current active members: 28 Makers & 12 Students- Mike Yakubek to join BOD in March for 1yr time frame. Awaiting email response from Mike.
Financial Update:
With aprox 30 Maker members, that covers the rent, then the Student & Premium covers the Utiltilties and costs. We're getting close to breaking even(2/19/18) Correction : We're still running a deficit- Gas South failed to transfer the autopay system. Chris has been fighting with them, but is resolved. No late fees incurred
- Chris has the business license to hang up near the coffee machine
- Chris is working on financial statements and preparing for tax time
General Discussion
- Maslow CNC commissioning is making progress. We need to put a sign up on it that says training required, ask for help on Slack. Practice required
- A member request for Private Event on a Saturday night in April, approx 5 hours from 5-10pm.
- Concern about the back shop will be closed for 5 hrs on a Saturday night, accessible to member base
- Josh pushing for polling the members about the general scenario of a member asking to close a portion of the space down for a non-member event on Saturday afternoon to gauge reaction & feedback
- Tanju invited to be a guest on a Cobb Arts & Culture podcast next Friday. Recording is Friday to be published in the Fall. Hoping that it can become a series where we can have other members invited as guests. Will be recorded at the new Sewell Mill Library.
- We need to register for the Maker Fest at Red Top Mtn, in May. Need to make sure that we have volunteers and brochures for it
Upcoming Events:
- Pi Day 3-14-18? Wednesday Mar 14th, will likely hold a meetup for Pi Day https://wiki.themakerstation.com/Pi_Day_3-14-2018
- Red Top Mountain Maker's Festival - Saturday May 19th https://wiki.themakerstation.com/Red_Top_Mountain_Maker%27s_Festival_2018