20170717 BOD Notes
May's Board of Director's meeting scheduled for Sunday May 21 was postponed to Monday May 22 and held via conference call/google-hangout
- Jay
- Joshua
- Chris
- Tanju
Planning Agenda
- No agenda planned
Financial update:
- We have 3100 in the bank of today. July's rent has been paid as well the cable and insurance. We still have the electric and gas to come out this month.
- Discussion about new 3D printer? Also have had request for a wood planer. Turns out that Jay has a planer at home and willing to bring it down.
- Also talk about getting the current wood lathe running or consider buying one.
- We need to get a survey out to members to inquire as to what next piece of equipment should be purchased for the space. Survey using Survey monkey, get current Maker member list to Joshua. Joshua will set up the survey
Membership discussion:
- The space is feeling more vibrant over last couple of months, but membership count is holding steady at 39-40 with every month 1-2 members drop and other 1-2 join, so we haven't really grown much over all
- Chart: https://public.tableau.com/views/TMS_Report/MemberVolDshbrd?:embed=y&:display_count=yes&publish=yes
- Sheree and Rhonda joined back in June but have never picked up their RFID cards
- Members asking for more equipment per above discussion
- Reciprocal membership discount is still outstanding - Let's just set up another product with the discount. Match Freeside's discount percentage to keep it simple.
Upcoming Events:
- DragonCon
- Steampunk Museum - Need content to take to display. Last year we had the hats, the cell phone charge, station, and fairy garden sculptures. Is it ok to reuse items or should we be trying to take new stuff to keep it fresh?
- MakerVillage? Tanju to send out inquiry to Valerie. We can take the Shapeoko and the RetroPie Barcade
- MakerFaire... no further updates heard yet. Jay to submit registeration
Maintenance discussion:
- NTEN Meetup tomorrow - The NonProfit Tech Club Atlanta" for a session on "Easy SEO Fixes for Your Nonprofit". Will be taking the tables out of the classroom and just set up chairs
- DMCA copyright takedown notice for Laser Warning sign on website. Tanju will take the image down.
- Ceiling Light in the back shop is still out. Need to figure out a way to get a ladder tall enought to reach or rent one. Ask members if anyone has a ladder to be able to replace bulbs safely